How to Delete Instagram

Permanently Delete Instagram on Mac and PC
By Trenton Erker

Published March 25th, 2018

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How to Permanently Delete & Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account

The #deletefacebook craze is taking over. Mix it with celebrities like Meghan Markle deleting all of their social media accounts, and the Snapchat update debacle, and it’s bound to affect other social media platforms. Most likely Instagram is next.

Here’s how to both delete and deactivate Instagram:

  • on a desktop computer
  • temporarily disable account

Note: you cannot delete your account using the Instagram app.

Delete Instagram Account On The App

You can’t delete Instagram from the app, but you can disable it. Scroll to the bottom for instructions.

Delete Instagram Account On Computer – Mac AND PC

CAUTION! This will permanently delete everything on your account, like you never existed. This is not just removing the app from your phone – which would leave your account live, but just more difficult to get to for you. (If you find yourself on Instagram too much, but don’t want to disable/delete your account, removing the app from your phone is a good way to break the habit and reduce your time online.)

I’ve created an account to demonstrate without deleting my own.

  1. Go to this link
  2. Scroll down to “ 
  3. Enter in your password
  4. Click The red button that reads, “Permanently Delete My Account”
  5. Click “OK” when the confirmation box pops up
  6. You’ll see a screen that reads, “Your account has been removed. We’re sorry to see you go!”

Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account On Computer – Mac AND PC

CAUTION! When I did this, it removed all of my posts. Followers and saved items were unaffected.

  1. Go to this link
  2. You’ll see “Why are you disabling your account?” Choose the reason why you’re disabling your Instagram account
  3. Enter in your account password in the next field
  4. Click the blue button that reads, “Temporarily Disable Account”
  5. Confirm in the confirmation box that pops up

Temporarily Disable Your Instagram Account From The App

  1. Click your IG icon
  2. Go to your profile  
  3. Click “Edit Profile”
  4. Scroll down to “Temporarily disable my account”
  5. From here it’s basically what you see in the video above. Choose the reason that you want to disable your account
  6. Enter your account password
  7. Click Temporarily Disable Account